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Clean air is essential to a healthy home. Considering that Americans spend about 90% of their time indoors, Las Vegas Valley residents should learn about effective IAQ solutions to ensure they’re not breathing polluted air. Here are five ways that a whole-home air purifier benefits you and your family.

Traps Pollutants

Air purifiers work by trapping microscopic contaminants that destroy your IAQ (indoor air quality). Our Trane whole-home air purifiers effectively trap 99% of these toxins, ensuring a steady supply of clean, fresh air for your family’s comfort.

Eliminates Odors

Some indoor pollutants carry an odor, such as tobacco smoke or cooking grease. Air purifiers neutralize odors from your Friday night fish fry and beloved indoor pets. They even rid your home of that occasional burned-food smell!

Reduces VOCs

Paint, furnishing and wall coatings, aerosol sprays, dry-cleaned clothes, and air fresheners are among the products that emit volatile organic chemicals (VOCs). VOCs can lead to long-term cancers such as lymphoma and leukemia. A whole-home air purifier reduces these chemicals and protects your family’s health.

Lowers Dust Buildup

Every home in Las Vegas Valley has dust. Air purifiers trap the dust before it settles on top of your appliances, furniture, and electronics. You’ll have to change your air filters regularly, but that’s a small price to pay for less dust!

Ensures Healthier Air

The most compelling reason to consider a whole-home air purifier is that it ensures healthier indoor air. Breathing polluted air leaves you fatigued, susceptible to eye and throat irritation, and triggers allergy attacks. Long-term effects include chronic respiratory conditions and heart problems. Air purifiers significantly lower these health risks; they also produce positive effects such as reduced stress, healthy lungs, improved mood, and better sleep.

If you’re looking for healthier indoor air, a whole-home air purifier might be just the thing for your Las Vegas Valley home. Learn more about the effective IAQ solutions we offer at Infinity Heating and Cooling or give us a call today.

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